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LENT: Day 2 - Worldly Cares - By St. John Chrysostom
Worldly Cares by St Chrysostom - Sermon for the 1st week of Lent
LENT: Day 26: Forgiveness of Injuries - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 29: Preventing God's Judgments - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 20 - Love And Obedience Better Than Miracles - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 13 - Faithful Stewardship - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 5 - Rejoicing Always - By St. John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 21- Meekness - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 9 - The danger of evil words - by St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 11 - On Riches - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 36 - Humility - By St John Chrysostom
LENT: Day 6 - Esteeming God More Than Man - by St. John Chrysostom